I understood that I didn’t have a body because I didn’t feel it.

Emmanuel Adebisi blog
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I understood that I didn’t have a body because I didn’t feel it.  Then I saw a light.  I went through a little hole into that light.  But the light was so powerful, so burning.  You cannot compare it to anything.  No words can explain it.  The light was so burning, going through flesh.  I didn’t have a body.  That was the most interesting part. 

And I was scared of the light, I wanted to go into the shade to save myself from this light.  What is that light?  I don’t know.  It can be called the light of God, it can be called the light of Life.  But light is light and darkness is darkness.  As a psychiatrist and scientist, I did not think about that.  The only thing was that I was in light. 

Dr. George Rodonaia youngWe were not raised in God’s way.  You know about the Soviet Union, we didn’t go to church.  There were people who went.  But they were some kind of limited people.  We thought they didn’t know any better that there was no God.  But those 3 days of being in the morgue, the freezer, changed all my life. 

Dr. George Rodonaia at the morgueThey begin the autopsy, and started to cut open my chest.  That was the first incision, then I opened my eyes, and they saw that my pupils were convulsing, getting smaller.  When they saw that my eyes were reacting to light they knew I was alive.  They put me back to the hospital and began resuscitation. 

My lungs were collapsed for a long time so I was put on a respirator for 90 days.  My recover did not happened fast, but the life did came back.  They discovered was that the life was there during the autopsy, but not all my organs were working.  It was hard work for nine month being in recovery, it didn’t happen immediately, but the life was there.  But the doctors had to help me survive and help me to regenerate my health and organs. 

When I came back to life, a lot of different experiences had happened.  I experienced a lot of rejection, a lot of fighting with others.  But nothing could change my mind, I knew my destination, I knew my way.  I decided to leave the country, and this lady from Longview Texas helped me move to the United States.  We went to Texas and continue to live there today.

Sometimes things are beyond our grasps.  But I don’t try to explain it all because I know and I believe that God knows better.  I believe that I don’t need to explain everything.  But why it was shown to me and why was I chosen?   It was a question that I honestly didn’t care about.  I care that I deeply believe in a God of love and God is love.  And I believe God created everything for betterness and for an incredible future if we don’t ruin it.

CPR picture[Dr.  Rawlings]And now I want to show you CPR.  We said we’d show you how to start somebody’s heart up again and to start their breathing up again.  You do it with your bare hands.  So first you see if the person is alright.  Maybe she is intoxicated.  Will she will talk to you? Maybe she just bumped her head.  You immediately look, feel and listen if she is breathing.  Is the chest is moving, nostrils moving?  Is any air exchanges felt?  If not, immediately goto the airway, forget the heart, only work on that after the airway. CPR Picture 2

You unobstructed the airway by lifting the chin, pointing to the ceiling.  This straightens out the windpipe.  Then you close her nostrils so your air in her mouth will inflate her lungs.  You give her 2 quick breaths.  And see if her diaphragm rises.  And if it rises, it is an unobstructed airway.  But if it is still obstructed, you go back to give 2 more breaths and reach down into here mouth to unobstructed the airway.  If her heart is not breathing, you determine that by not listening with your ear but feeling on the carotid artery pulse on either side of the Adam’s apples, bom, bom, bom. 

If you do not feel that, then after the 2 quick breaths, 2 inches above the xiphoid, either part of the breastbone, diaphragm, lower part of the breast bone, you plant the heal of one hand, supplemented with the heel of the other.  Push your weight down on her. 

This is the critical moment in life.  If you can catch people before they die and give them the option of accepting Jesus Christ as their personal savior, then they can’t loose whether they live or die.  That is with them forever.  And when they die like this, we don’t have to question where they went.  And the preacher will be right when he says they are in Heaven.  She went to heaven to be with God. 

But for those who die on the street, where do they go? It is the minister’s fault, your fault and mine because we did not approach them with the Gospel which is the free gift to anyone that wants it. 

=== Conclusion ===

All of these Hell experiences had one thing in common.  Surprise! They didn’t know there was such a place.  Will you find it as surprise? Will I find it as surprise? Or will we be prepared?  Hell is nothing new.  It has always been there.  These people just discovered that when they died and came back.  They want to tell you about it.

[Dr.  Rodonaia]And I experienced what is love, what is faith, what is hope.  And all these 3 are wisdom of God.

[Dr.  Whitaker]The prayer of faith, the prayer of salvation, is not some little prayer, is the only way to the Father.  And that is the only way.  Now all of these people in the New Age movement that believe that everybody is going to heaven, that you can worship anything, you can worship a flee, you can squeeze a tree, you can worship a crystal, you can worship a star.  I got news for them, they are not going unless they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, because the word says the only way to the Father is through the Son.

[Ronal Reagan]Don’t go to hell.  Please.  I beg you.  Don’t go to hell.  It was not prepared for you.

[Charles McKay]If you are saved, you are saved, if you have accepted Jesus.

[Howard Storm]Do not put it off for tomorrow, for any reason, because you might die this very moment.

[Charles McKay] It is the best thing that ever happened in my life.

[Howard Storm]You can feel Jesus’ presence with you, today, in this place in this time.

[Ronal Reagan]It is not God’s will that any people should perish.  I didn’t know this.  I didn’t know the love of God.  All I knew was hatred, violence, and abuse.  But there is one that cares.  His name is Jesus. 

[Whitaker]And who is the Son? He is the word made flesh and came and dwell amongst men.  The word is the way to the Father. 

[Howard Storm]Make a choice.  Not tomorrow, not tonight.  Make a choice right now.  Are you going to give your heart over to Jesus or not?

[Charles McKay]If you want to have a life after this one, you better accept Jesus.

(Revelations 3:20)
Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.

[Dr.  Rawlings]Friends, you’ve heard the evidence.  This is the closest you are going to get to making a decision.  Is there a life after death? Are these people that were presented to you turning their whole lives upside down for nothing, or because there IS a heaven and a hell?

Have you made the decision in your own life?  Do you know if you died tonight that you will be with God in Heaven tomorrow?  And remember the quote from Revelations 3:20, Behold I stand at the door and knock.  God is knocking right now.  If you hear me, open the door and I will come in.  I WILL come in, not might come in, and fellowship with you and you with me.  It means you come dirty, just like you are.  He will fellowship with you and tell you how to clean up your life.  And meanwhile in exchange, give you this free gift of eternal life with Jesus Christ because you are one of His.  You are now a Christian.

(John 11:25-26)I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?

the EndTo Hell and Backby Dr.  Rawlings Documentary

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