The reason why Jesus died on the cross is because of John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him will not parish, but have eternal life.

Emmanuel Adebisi blog
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The reason why Jesus died on the cross is because of John 3:16 - For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son that whoever believes in him will not parish, but have eternal life.

Therefore, according to Romans 10:9 - If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord”, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

--------CHOO THOMAS SPEAKING:---------

Well, I hear so many people say “who cares after you die”, hee hee hee.  Then I say, "you better care after you die. This was when I was witnessing. If you die, you only go two places, either heaven or hell." They say, "eeeehhh, who cares after I die." They talk like they don’t know anything after they die. I say, "you better care after you die, because why ? Even you die, your body die, your spirit, soul will never die. That’s why you can remember, pain, happy, joy, everything just like when you were alive." But they still don’t believe it. Aaaaah they get angry at me. I say, "I hope someday you will remember what I’m saying. Do you know Jesus?" They say, "I know God." I say,"well, Jesus is God. He’s the Father, He’s the Holy Spirit, He’s all. If you don’t know Jesus, you saying that you know God, that’s not going to take you to heaven."  I just talk and talk but they don’t want to hear, most of these people. So I just tell them, "well, you don’t want to believe it now, I hope someday, you will believe." And I talk and talk but no matter what, they don’t want to accept the salvation package. You know what I say, I say, "OK you don’t want to accept this salvation package is fine, but one day, you will know all of God’s people will be raptured, then you will know what I’m saying right now, but I ask you, that time comes, never to receive the number 666. If you receive that, you going to burn in hell for ever, ever, ever. So please, please, please, don’t ever receive the number 666. Will you please remember?"  You know, some of them say OK. I say this to many many people.

Anyone who has never prayed the salvation prayer before, I would like to pray. Please repeat after me. "Lord Jesus, I believe You are Son of God and You died for me. Please come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior. I ask you forgive me all of my sins and cleanse me with your precious blood, taking control every area of my life from this moment on. Jesus, fill me with your Holy Spirit and empower me to be used for Your glory. I want to serve you, love you, obey you all the days of my life and make a difference in the lives of others. Father, thank you for making me your child. In Jesus’ Holy Name, amen. Halleluiah." Anyone who pray this prayer with me, please, go to church, listen to word of God from pastors and read the Bible every day, study it. Pray many times a day and have a relationship with Jesus. Thank you, amen, Halleluiah

--------HOST SPEAKING:---------

On behalf of Choo Thomas’ Ministry, thank you for watching our show. In “Heaven is so Real”, Jesus said that He’s coming back for His Church sooner than we think, so get ready and lets give our God all the praise.

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