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DIVINE REVELATIONS:   A site documenting several Face to Face encounters & visitations with Jesus Christ.

This Site is transitioning from being End-Time focused to Kingdom Age focused.

Revelations of
Heaven             &                     HELL

The Lazarus Phenomenon

by Eternal Productions

Being a Pastor, Daniel thought he was secure in his Salvation, until he died. He was sent back with one more chance at life, and a great eye witness account of Heaven and Hell.

23 Minutes in Hell

The incredible Testimony of Bill Wiese and his 23 minute trip to Hell.  He explains in detail his personal experience of what lost souls have to endure in damnation, and what Jesus saved us from.

The Heavens Opened
by Anna Rountree
Anna Rountree was caught up in a tremendous vision of Heaven. While there, she was taught by angels & met Jesus himself. Anna Rountree provides readers with a stunning vision of what Heaven is like & and shows a sobering picture of satan's kingdom, in the mid-heaven.          -Interview MP3   OfficialSite Trip to Hell

Korean artists were shown Heaven and Hell by Jesus Christ, and told to draw on canvas what they saw, so that the world would know the destination of the unsaved.  Video Documentary. Trip to Heaven

Heaven Pictures: Seeing the Beauty of Heaven, and the Glory of Paradise. (Under Review)

by Kat Kerr      An amazing tour of Heaven, answering many of the questions that people have, and giving good illustrations of what Heaven looks like. A must read for all who are awaiting the Kingdom of God.

A Divine Revelation of HELLby Mary K. Baxter
Jesus wants the world to know the horrible reality of Hell. Mary was shown what happens to souls when they die & to unbelievers & servants of God who don't obey their calling.

Revelation of HEAVEN

by 7 Columbian Youths
Together as a group, these 7 Columbian youths were taken by Jesus Christ and shown Heaven and Hell.  Hear their account of the Glories of Heaven, the unimaginable paradise prepared for obedient Christians.

BurningRevelation of HELL
by 7 Columbian Youths
Jesus showed up in the middle of their prayer group, and gave them a tour of Hell; revealing what happens to the disobedient and wicked. This will help you develop a healthy fear of God, and to avoid the traps of satan.

 Divine Revelation of
 by Mary K. Baxter
Mary Baxter was shown the Glories of Heaven.  These breathtaking glimpses of Heaven will turn your heart toward the beauty and joy that await every believer in Christ.  that wound
up in Hell

by Carmelo Brenes.
 Another account of people who witnessed Christians in Hell, for the very things the bible warned us about.

The Priestly Bride
by Anna Rountree
This shows Jesus in glorious ways that I've never considered, realms that I didn't know existed, tactics of our enemy and unspeakable marvels of our God.  Find how to discover the secret of the hidden stairway into the heart of God! And how to pursue Christ as His bride.

Heaven is so Real   
Do you believe heaven really exists?
Choo Thomas tells a remarkable story of her encounters with Jesus Christ, where she saw Heaven, Hell, the Rapture and Tribulation.

All Christians should hear this.

The Passion of the ChristPassion of the Christ
The movie that all people must see; how their loving savior suffered and died for mankind. Don't hide your eyes from the real cost of our sin, and the loving passion of Christ.

Hell's Best Kept Secret!
Why do 80-90% of those making a decision for Christ eventually fall away from the faith? What message were they given that made it so likely that they would fall away from God. And what message should we be giving people.

The Final QuestThe Final Quest

This amazing revelation comes from a vision given to the author Rick Joyner. All Christians should read this. So many lessons, pitfalls & mistakes are shown by this revelations that even the most mature Christians can greatly learn from it. This testimony available on a different website.     Try Here      another location found

 The Call
Another great revelation which will help every believer mature in Christ. Helping us understand God's Call. 

This can be seen on a different website.
Try Here       Other Location

     The 3rd book is now available. MP3 Torch & the Sword

Several Christian Stories #1
A Compilation of 10 Amazing Stories/Videos from different Christians of the work of Jesus Christ.  Powerful testimonies of what Jesus can do, even to the worst of people. Christian Testimonies #2
A Compilation of 12 Amazing Testimonies of changed lives, and how God can use even anybody for His Glory. These stories will encourage your faith, and give you hope that God can change anybody.

Several Christian Stories #3
Hear the awesome accounts of 16 different people who were eyewitnesses of the Supernatural, and saw
Jesus, Angels, Heaven and Hell.

Hell & Heaven
After Rev. Yong Park died, he was shown how each person is rewarded in Heaven, and what mistakes can lead a Christian to Hell.

Bob Larson's Deliverance Videos
Doing what Jesus Did. Learn how to identify,
deal with and cast out evil spirits.

When Jesus took me to Hell

Hepzibah's Story of a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ.

A message for all people of God's great salvation,

and the horrible alternative.

MuslimMore than Dreams

5 Remarkable Video Testimonies of Muslim Encounters with Jesus Christ. Men & women – with no knowledge of the Gospel – have been forever transformed after experiencing dreams and visions of Jesus Christ.

Muslim, Journey to Hope
10 Great Compellation Videos
Fantastic testimonies of how many Hard Core Muslims came to faith in Jesus Christ.  Even with all the persecution and backlash against them.

The Mystery of Paradise
by Bishop Earthquake Kelley
A remarkable near death experience revealing both hell & heaven.  He was formerly in witchcraft, and reveals many secrets of his former practice. He was also given a powerful warning to the Church and to America.

The Testimony of Theo Nez
After reading Mary Baxter's book, Theo thought he would live for another 30 years to get right with God, but died six months later of a Meth overdose. Jesus took Theo and showed him the Pit in Hell that satan dug for him.

 is for REAL
by Todd Burpo

A young boy emerges from life-saving surgery
with remarkable stories of his visit to heaven.

Hell Is Real, I saw it!
Jennifer Perez, a 15 year old girl raised in a Christian home, but later backslid & found herself overdosing on drugs, dying, & being sent to Hell. Fortunately, she was given a 2nd chance, to warn the lost, backslidden, & lukewarm with an urgent message.

 Glimpse of Eternity
by Ian McCormack
Ian was night diving when he was stung multiple times by highly poisonous Box Jellyfish. After he was declared clinically dead he had an encounter with Jesus Christ, which radically changed the direction of his life.

To Hell and Back
Dr. Rawlings MD, a heart surgeon, had personally witnessed many cases of NDEs. This is an account of 5 of the most amazing stories of people who came back from the dead, and what they saw while dead.


A powerful and inspiring video testimony regarding a missionary couple to Papua New Guinea. And how God grabbed their whole tribe for His Kingdom.

bibleMP3 Audio Bibles

The Bible (MP3 and TEXT) in many different languages, versions & formats. + software

Free Praise &Worship Music

Christian Worship MP3s, Videos,

MIDI, CDs + Songs given out freely.

Soul TiesSoul Ties

What are Soul Ties,

and how do we remove them.

Prayer Language:
How satan stops Christians from
receiving the gift of tongues.

Several Encouraging Videos to Strengthen Your Faith

Finger of God
+ Furious Love

Hundreds raised from the dead. Manna appearing, Gemstones falling, teenagers healing strangers. A new beginning, a spiritual revolution.
This is the Finger of God.

The Revival Hymn Video

One of the most inspiring Christian videos, challenging the Church to be all that God called us to be.  It combines many of the best sermons from Christian Preachers.

Jesus in ChinaThe Cross - Jesus in China The tubulant History of Christianity in China. How did the number of Chinese Christians increase from 700,000 in 1949 to approximately 100 million today despite stric government control?

Transformations Video

An modern day example of Pentecost caught on tape! A congregation was visited by a thunderous rush of Glory, sweeping everyone over.

The George Street Evangelist
The incredible story of Frank Jenner and how God used him to spread the good news of Jesus around the world. Affecting countless people, simply by sharing.

Placebo   by Howard Pittman
A wake up call to the Church, giving us a good understanding of satan's weapons and tactics against God's people, and how many Christian are NOT yet ready for Heaven.

Transformation GloryGary Beaton's Testimony from Transformation Glory Ministries

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Download all Testimonies in 1 File (ZIP)  GetFREE CDs or Burn your own CDs   Our North Korea Charity

John G. Lake MinistryDivine Healing Training

The John G. Lake ministry has over 1 million recorded healings, & has trained over 40,000 people in the healing ministry; correcting many misconceptions about Healing. Please listen, learn and Get to Work!

demons and deliverancedemons and Deliverance by Lester Sumrall,    part I & II
A great resource for learning the necessary steps in ministering deliverance.

Arc of the Covenant Found!
The Greatest Discovery of our time, the finding of the Arc of the Covenant and other Temple articles,  and still most Christians don't know about it.  These have been missing for ~2600 years, since the days of Jeremiah.   Noah Ark Pictures

A Documentary of the Temple/Tabernacle of God. What are the stations of the Temple, and their meanings. And how do we apply this understanding, so we can enter the God's Temple today.

Its Time to Dance!

If you want to know Jesus, you must know his friends. And until your heart is torn and ripped, you don't know God's friends.

The Pilgrim's Progress

by John Bunyan 2nd Most popular book in history. A Christian's Journey in story format, from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City

Intelligent Design
vs. Evolution
Unlocking the Mystery of Life

Derek Prince
72 great teaching videos, covering the foundations of the faith.  Derek Prince's video sermons will help you get a strong grasp of fundamentals of the Bible.

Visions Beyond the Veil
by H.A.Baker     Such a powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit onto little poor Chinese Orphans. Documenting the visions & miracles that happened when revival broke out. The children saw angels, demons, heaven, hell, even when they were ignorant of the spiritual truths being revealed to them.

Leaving the Gay Lifestyle
Testimonies of several Former Homosexuals, and how Jesus changed their life. Also James Dobson's program 'Preventing Homosexuality in Kids'

Delivered from the
Powers of Darkness
by Emmanuel Eni.   An amazing escape from the powers of satan/witchcraft/occult to Jesus.

What's the Biblical
stance on Abortion?

What has God spoken through the prophets?

Sword and SerpentThe Sword & the Serpent
A powerful vision that warns pastors and preachers of what will happen to those who do NOT preach the FULL counsel of God. For those who serve God, they must Fear God not Man!

The Imitation of Christ
 by Thomas à Kempis

Never Commit Suicide,
it can lead a person to Hell.
Even for Christians.

by Tamara Laroux

Mormon NDE

Key Lynn Trimble had strong faith in the Mormon Church, until she met Jesus in a near death experience and it forever changed her life.

6 Messages to the Church
by Pastor Brani Duyon

The fall of satan between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2

Christian Cartoons for Kids.

Teach your children the bible through these exciting animated cartoons.  Many different videos covering all topics in the Bible.

Why Pray? by Hollie Moody
A powerful vision showing the need for Christians to engage in intense intersession for the lost.

The Christian Civil War!!

Like it or not, we are in a Christian Civil War.  satan has a powerful grip inside the Church, and many of our brothers are unknowingly in the enemies' camp, being used to stop the strategic moves of God.


2nd Page         all other testimonies are on Page 2

 Divine Revelations
Pray Hard, Keep Watch, Stand Firm - Love God, Live Crucified, Serve Others, Share Christ, Show Grace, Shun sin, Stay Pure
Be Holy, Walk Humbly, Act Justly - Bear Fruit, Obey Christ, Get Wisdom - Fear God, Fight evil, Forgive all
Help the Poor, Equip the Saints, Preach the Gospel, Praise the Lord, Protect the Innocent - Be Ready, Finish Strong & Overcome ! ! !
Souls, Souls, Souls for Jesus!

  . Locations of Site Visitors

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