Factors To Consider When Preaching The Gospel In Public Bus

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Factors To Consider When Preaching The Gospel In Public Bus

Preaching The Gospel In Public Bus
Preaching the gospel in public bus or among the heathen is not a carnal outreach but rather a spiritual exercise; God is spirit and those that labor in his vineyard must be spiritual, sensitive and able to decipher the spiritual atmospheric condition of the cloud. It required knowledge and wisdom.
The way you present your sermon will determine how dept the Holy Ghost will channel it into the heart of your audience. If you present your sermon in an abusive, hateful and condemning attitude without lowly heart, lovely tune and meekness of love, honestly your dogmas will lead into strife and may God helps if you escape unhurt.
As you take your seat inside the public bus, you must focus unto Heaven and neither be distracted by irritating attitude of the passengers or driver. If any commotion arises before the commencement of your sermon, you must quickly make peace and counsel both parties. Switch off or silent your phone and quickly indulges into silent prayers.
Taking authority over the whole passengers and charge every foul spirit of distraction, familiarity, quarreling and fighting and hatred toward the gospel to be arrested by HOLY GHOST, rebuked, bind and cast them into the abyss of hell. Release the power of deliverance and restoration of hope, faith and salvation and cover every soul with the BLOOD OF JESUS. The next is the echo of "PRAISE THE LORD". This will certainly draw attention; But In most cases only few passenger will respond “HALLELUJAH" while some will hissed, muted, gossips and alight from the vehicle.
 Preaching The Gospel In Public Bus
Hence, before you commenced ministration in public bus ensure the bus is already on motion. You must be very lowly in heart, friendly and interactive. Although some might not respond to your open declaration of "PRAISE THE LORD" but that shouldn't amount discouragement. I prefer you utter a good gesture; and portray reason why they ought to praise the mighty name of the Lord who giveth them the grace of life. Your admonishing should go thus….
"…..My dear brothers and sisters i can perceive that many of you are angry with God. You hate God, felt offended and seriously fighting him because you thought he has abandoned and doesn't care about you and your family. Perhaps you hated him because he refuses to answer your prayers. You are offended because he refused to elevate you from struggling, poverty and hardship. My beloved brothers and sisters in this bus, I PLEAD WITH YOU ALL TO FORGIVE GOD AND HEARKEN TO THIS WONDERFUL GOOD NEWS; I PROMISE YOUR LIFE WOULD NEVER REMAIN THE SAME.
Could you imagine in every hour about 6400 people dies while more than 150,000 people dies in every 24 hours. Some are rich but at this moment their money can't save them from cancerous and incurable diseases. Yet you are in good health with your family. Majority are dying of hunger and haven't eaten for past 2-3 days while some are homeless, helpless, frustrated and jobless; yet today we have eaten, with good home and comfort bed.
Many of us are parent with wonderful children; but when you visit mother-less homes you will behold thousands of babies weeping and sorrowfully lamenting "WHO SHALL BE OUR MOTHER? When you visit the hospitals and prison yards you will also behold the reasons why you ought to join me and praise God……"
After this godly references, ensure you utter the word again "PRAISE THE LORD” Definitely the roof of the vehicle will vibrate in thunderous echo of "HALLELUJJJJJAAHH" Yes; you have just rekindle their rotten mindset and also regain more boldness and eschewing every form of shy and fear.
Thereafter, began to degree blessing and breakthrough upon their lives. Set them lose from every shackle and bondage of the enemy. Sing a renowned worship song and ask them to forget all their sorrow, pains and worry and joined in the worship. You must hasten thus procedures because some passenger will soon alight at their designated bus-stop.
This is an interesting moment of every preacher; though you might be compounded of "What To Preach, How To Start or How To Present Your Message" My beloved, that is very easy because there are thousands of available topic to built your message. e.g “God is not dead, Your sorrow is over, The beauty of heaven, There is hope for you in Christ, What a beautiful day, Jesus has overcome the world, You must not die in sin, God is in control etc.
  1. TITLE OF YOUR MESSAGE: The title of your message is vital; that is where the Holy Ghost wills pin-point your heart, built-up and draweth an inspiration. 
  2. THE MESSAGE INTRO: This is summary tense of your message which must build upon hope and serves as a source of encouragement and strengthen to every depressed heart. 
  3. THE BODY SERMON: Your body message should base on hope, encouragement, restoration of dead faith, reason to surrender to Christ, the cunning attitude of devil, ways of escaping devilish trap or temptation, counseling and power of God's grace. Please don't commenced the body of your message with condemnation of sins or preaching about Hell Fire or Death, don’t condemned any religious dogmas or churches because the gospel of Christ is good news. 
  4. SALVATION SERMON: After restoring their frustrated, liquidated, hopeless and unbelief rotten mindset; and reviving it with faith and hope in Christ, thereafter comes the terms and condition attached before such blessing, hope and faith can be perfected by God because he hates sin but love sinners.
 The Factors To Consider While Preaching The Gospel In Public Bus
This is mode of sober reflection where you ought to lay emphasis about consequence of sin, second coming of Jesus, his abiding grace and salvation, The eternal torment of Hell fire for sinner who indulges into sinful act. You should commence your salvation message by reciting “…..If you fall into following categories of sins you must repent and accept Jesus Christ.....” Afterward, begin to enlist names of numerous kinds of sin you could recall with scriptures. Nevertheless, some might detest the godly preaching against outward impurity or immodesty.
In term of biblical reference against women trouser and makes-up, alcoholic, smoking, polygamous marriage, jewelries and hair attachment; don't linger on this subject because they might not comprehend the divine interpretation of the scripture. However, there is need for logical expression against;
i. WOMEN TROUSER: Simply ask reason them the reason, “why can't we present trouser as a gift to our grandmothers in the village. Why did our grandmothers abhor women trouser and hated young women that wore it? Where did women trouser originated? Why do men always lust after women in trousers?
ii. MAKES-UP: Simply inquired from them; “If your dark complexion daughter in nature gain admission to study in the university; after few years she returns as a white lady in light complexion. How would you feels as a mother? Likewise also, why can’t we reference this ungodly act unto God after death? He created you in beauty and adored you will wonderfully in his image and likeness.
preaching against women makes-up
But right now you thought you are ugly and can't survive without makes-up---My dear No!. You are precious than Gold and diamond only if you would amend your ways today and stop making use of makes-ups, extra nail fixing and painting. Though you might seem confused because the Holy Ghost is using that woman [Your Pastor Wife] that portray herself in makes-up and bleaching to preach and conduct deliverance. My dear, don’t you know the Holy Ghost is on course and can possess even a prostitute to wrought great healing and miracle?
iii. ALCOHOLIC & SMOKING: Simply inquired from them; How many Bible have you ever behold in bar or beer parlor? How many people have you behold smoking in streets with Bible on their hands? The spirit of God that dwells in us will never permit them to exhibit such ungodliness without fear of God because they knew it is sinful to miss alcohol with the Holy Bible.
iv. POLYGAMOUS MARRIAGE: Simply inquired from them; How many people did God creates in the beginning? Perhaps God created Adam and consequently formed 4 wives from his ribs. Therefore, if not so, what are you doing with those 2-4 wives? Please marriage is between a man and a woman and in marriage there is not divorcement because marriage is honorable before God. If you have divorced the first man/woman in your life; please return back to him/her before it becomes too late to re-amends.
Likewise also if you are the 2-4 wife of that man you are sleeping with, please pack all your load and luggage and leave that man today. Moreover, if you are into boy/girls relationship, you ought to break off from such immoral relationship and seek for God mercy. Ask him to bless you with your own spouse because every boy/girls relationship always leads to sexual immoralities.
v. JEWELRIES: Simply inquired from them; when you were born God graciously pierced two holes in your eyes for sight and nose for smell; did he pierce any hole in your ear for earrings? Please cast off those earrings, wedding rings and jewelries and be natural the way God has formed you.
Don’t you know that putting on those jewelries on your body signifies idolatry because you cherished it so much as your gods? At this moment, you just can’t do without it and it has systematically becomes your gods. Don’t forget that the Almighty God is a jealousy God and can’t permit you to enter into his heavenly kingdom with a strange gods on your body.
vi. HAIR ATTACHMENT: Simply inquired from them, When you were born God miraculously cover your head with natural sparkling hair. Attachment or other forms of artificial hairs was never found on you but right now you have deliberately decide to lure into them. Moreover, that is reason why you always have sex in dream, ate in dream, swimming and giving birth in dream and also afflicted with moving object in your body, marital failure, stagnancy and barrenness.
This ugly artificial hairs and attachment has hindered your marital breakthrough and conception in your marriage. Do you know the mystery and marine covenant behind hair attachment? However, am not saying all this to condemn you but rather to bring to your awareness of the true word of God.
5. CALL FOR REPENTANCE AND PRAYER: After enlistment of various iniquities in lovely tune and meekness of heart, the next is altar call for repentance of sins and acceptance of Christ. Thereafter kindly pray and encourage them to be prayerful, join a genuine bible believing church and always attend church weekly activities for more spiritual growth.
Finally, you might identify yourself to them by by professing THE NAME OF YOUR CHURCH and her weekly activities. Kindly encourage whosoever that love and wish to hear more of same messages to create time and visit any of your church fellowship center and their life shall never remain same. May God bless you all………I pray heaven at last unto you all in Jesus name—amen.

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