How To Deal And Overcome Persecution And Challenges In The Life Of Christian

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How To Deal And Overcome Persecution And Challenges In The Life Of Christian

problems and challenges of christian
Chinedu had two children, Ngozi and Emeka. He and his wife has being looking upon the Lord for more children, but could not find. He Love Ngozi so much that he will do anything to make her happy. He also love Emeka but not as much as Ngozi. One day as they were traveling, they had an accident, and were rushed to the hospital. Ngozi died during treatment, but the rest were saved by the Doctors. They Informed Chinedu about the Lost Child.

But instead, Chinedu started Blasphemy the name of the Lord. “Lord why Me? Why have you done this wicked to me? You’ve taken away my joy and you know we’ve being waiting upon you to add more child for me, but instead, the little one I have you took away from me, you are very wicked. I wonder why you have given me Ngozi when you know you are going to take her from me soon, I regret ever trusting you. I don’t believe you exist anymore. 

The Doctors and Nurses around him were not really believer. But still this words sound disgusting in their ears, such that they quickly injected him with a sleeping injection. How can he say such horrible things against his creator? As they were preparing to take Ngozi to the mortuary. She suddenly came back to life. They were very surprised to see her back alive, the whole family was happy to be completed again.

Chinedu’s Mother was also staying with them, being an old woman, and a housemaid making 6 people living together. One day, Ngozi came back from school with a ring she picked on the floor of her school not knowing the owner. The following day her hands started decaying not knowing the cause. They treated and treated it but of no avail. After some months it starts stinking such that no one wants to stay around her, even hospital rejected her. After some months, her hand almost all her body was full of maggots, such that her loving father will not want to see her, and yet they can’t bury her alive.

One day her mother was cleaning the house and she found the Ring, she picked it and ask Emeka who is the owner. He said he doesn’t know, and his mother asked him to go and give it to her Mother in-law, perhaps she owns it. She collected it to check if it’s her own but was not and she also give it to the housemaid perhaps it belong to her. She said she’s not the owner, then she gave it to the gate-man to throw it away. The following day both the mother, Emeka, Mother-in-law, Housemaid and the Gate man hand start decaying too. After a year they all died. Mr. Chinedu went bankrupt because of this unknown sickness that sucked all his account, such that he sold his house, cars and all his property to pay back the money he owes, and went back to zero point. 

He sat in a corner of a prison crying like a baby, he lost everything, his wife, his two children and his mother, not counting the gate-man and housemaid. He was the only suspect for the family of the housemaid claim he used their daughter for ritual, and this accusation landed him in prison. As he was crying, a voice spoke to him saying, are you now happy with this that’s happening to you? He said how do you mean, your daughter died in a car accidents and you started blaspheming the Lord your God, now can you see what would have happened to you if Ngozi has not died? 

Suddenly he woke up in the hospital where the doctors injected him when blaspheming his God, he was surprised, for it never looks like dream, it looks real, then he kneel down and asked for mercy from God, and thank him for what he saved him from.

Dealing With Persecution And Challenges.
John 16:33 "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world" Many times we became arrogant to the Lord with an arrogant mind because we have forgotten his promises. The moment the Lord is waiting for in your life is the moment you will humble yourself before the Lord, that he knows everything. A lot of believers make this great mistake all the time, when we have problem, instead of it turning to God and praise him for what has happened. We will begin to blame God, angry with God and saying “WHY ME”.

Imagine a clay asking his creator (potter) nasty question and queries about life misfortune that befalls on him. An element that has no authority over his creator , challenging his creator with queries. It pains God and he ever regretted dearly for creating humanity. But due to his divine nature of grace and mercy, He still remains the Almighty creator. However, in every situation, NEVER ask or queries your creator WHY ME. If it’s not you, then it can’t be any one. It has to be you so that you can give him all the glory and put Satan to shame.

READ ALSO: How To Overcome Deadly Sin Of Lust.

God is not evil, he knows your past, future and your presence. His mysterious ways and action are not same with human reasoning. For he is the beginning and the end (Revelation 1:8). He knows you more than you think you know yourself. he’s not wicked. He knows best and what can favor you if you walk in his status. He knows when you are suppose to get pregnant, he knows when you should have money. He travel ahead to see the evil on our way and he take it away from us before we get there. God cannot sin for in him, there is no traces of darkness.

Many will never want to have anything doing with the Lord because of the disaster that befall them and their families, many think the Lord has abandoned them. That no matter how they pray, he will not listen to them. Many has become an Atheist because of what they believe the Lord did to them. God can’t do evil and he will not make an issue beyond our capacity to befall us, does that means he has changed his word?

God was the one who bet with Satan, that I trust my servant Job, no matter the kind of disaster or calamity that will befall him, he will never compromised. And Job never shames the Lord. Can God bet on your behalf? How much time has you say evil word against your Lord just because of your mother who died on the day of your convocation?

You lost your parent such that there is no one to help you in life, because of this, you hate God, Jesus or anything call his kingdom. How many time have you abused him just because you have not given birth to your own children after three years of your marriage? Because of those accidents of yours that turn you into one hand human, one eye or one leg, you hate God for it, your face was disfigured by fire, why don’t you put your hope in God who is able to renew your body?

Have you rejected the Lord ask for mercy Are you guilty of these, ask God for mercy and he will forgive you. God doesn’t hate you but Love you. He said in this word we will see hardship, but rejoice for the lord has conquered the world Just be prayerful there are some forces outside there watching you which you don’t know. There are some forces waiting for the hour of your weakness, make sure you have enough in your spiritual reservoir, so that when the devil comes, you will not be moved.
Say this prayer. “Lord Jesus, give me the grace and strength to always wait and depend on you alone at all time in Jesus name"

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