How To Makes Godly Friends That Will Lead To Marriage

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How To Makes Godly Friends That Will Lead To Marriage

How To Makes Godly Friends That Will Lead To Marriage

If you truly love and cares for someone but doubtful if he/she is going
to stick a round as life partner, please don't strangled yourself with
emotional trauma but kindly maintain your peace because if he/she is
truly God's perfect will it will certainly comes back to you.

You don't need to help God while planning for marital engagement. He
doesn't need your assistant in picking or selecting a perfect will
partner. You can only preview him/her based on outward appearance but
spiritually blinded in futurology views. The Lord is mighty and
definitely knew the genealogy of such person and hates to behold you
suffocate in regrets in wrong choice.

When it comes to marital connection you ought to bury your permissive
will or whatever documented personal desire in your dairy and faithfully
succumbed unto God's perfect will. Though God Perfect wills might look
foolish but definitely the best offer you can get.

And mysteriously and miraculously the Lord will certainly connects you
to his prefect desire and it's left for you to either embraced or reject
the offer but the Lord always knew what is best and perfect for you.
Though it might take a while to be connected but it worth waiting!

However if such person refuse to manifest or neither show any interest
for relationship or tend to decline your marriage proposal then she
isn't yours and you don't have to kill yourself because there are still
thousands of Godly products, already made and ready to be connected to
their rightful and faithful partners.

Nevertheless you don't have to enslaved yourself with High Blood
Pressure or thoughtful just because of obstructions or delays in marital
connection but rather be hopeful, thankful and cheerful because the
best Godly product is already on it way.

  • How To Makes Godly Friends That Will Lead To Marriage:

There is need to keep making or building godly friends around you or
through social media. You patiently needs to endured and keep making
godly friends, be interactive, lively and jovial because someday you
shall received godly ministrations and when it comes, as a brother you
won't have to struggle with your marital proposal because you have already established a moral foundation through friendship.

As it often says "the best person to marry is your best friend"
because God is wonderful in nature and he often used those around us to
make an impact while blessing us. In most cases he seldom used strangers
while exhibiting his works but rather closed relations.

So always raise up your head; keep your eyes focused and your ear
attentively. Always portrayed godly character, be trust worthy,
truthful, cheerful and friendly to everyone because the Lord is
presently constructing some divine marital connections through those
built friendship.

Personally it often displeased me whenever i sight unpleasant attitude of some sisters. They lack what i called “Environmental Building". Most of them don't knew how to interact effectively while making godly friends that might possibly leads to marriage.

Systematically if you interview some folks who recently got wedded about
the chemistry reaction that took place before tying their marital knot
as married couple, you will discovered that about 80-90% of them got
connected to their life partner through godly friendship or social
media, by cultivating and building up such friendship on cheerfulness,
honesty and inter-activeness.

So, kindly eschew the mentality of segregation, shyness or none
outspoken and keep on building and networking with new friends.
Presently i have several uncountable friends around the globe because i
always give them the opportunity to expressed themselves and see if they
would be able to fit around my context.

Moreover whenever the Lord wants to instruct or blessed you he is likely
going to uses those friends to remember or connects you into marriage
because God isn't a magician but a perfect creator and designer of

Don't expect God to drop your future life partner from the sky. Though
nothing is impossible with God but he always love to works with natural
principles known as "growth'. So try to expand or widen your friendship
growth and gives everyone that generous opportunity to prove themselves
because what goes around always comes around.

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