How To Restored Your Lost Dignity In Casual Relationship

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How To Restored Your Lost Dignity In Casual Relationship

How To Restored Your Lost Dignity In Casual Relationship

Majority of singles brothers and sisters today often engages
in casual relationship or dating which virtually contradict the Holy Scriptures
and it standards and for this cause some of them has lost their dignity. They
have virtually thrown off their golden treasure due to worldly pleasure of the
flesh and presently suffering in dejection and heartbroken.

Your dignity Is your innermost treasure been uphold by God and
once you allow any stranger to chase the gate-man beneath that treasure you
will certainly blame yourself either today or in the future because you were recommended
to guide and preserved your dignity as a single sister or brother with all your
strength according to 1 Thessalonians 4: 3 For this is the will of God, even
your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication”

The Danger Of Dignity Lost:

Majority of today modern youths often attends night vigil
and also share the gospel on social media and on streets but cumbered with corrupt
thoughts, while their secret inbox messages are filled with seductive chats.

In church or at home they are regarded as daughters and
Son’s of Zion but in school campus they become daughters and sons of high
frequency with immoral infatuation. The females among them will paint their mouth with blood
like vampire, fixed extra nails and whenever they purchase new outfits or a
nice skirt or gowns they will rather decide cut and re-shape it in order to
preview their inner skeletal body shape or figurine, becoming instrumentals for
seduction just like Jezebel in the scriptures’.

According to the scriptures, Jezebel was a very good painter
and seducer and first of her kind in history. She paints both erotic and
Italian stylish. The bible says, (2 Kings 9:30) on that day she painted and
stood at upstairs and sighted Jehu entering into the city. Behold she saw the
beauty of Jehu and said "Ha, this is a good meat".

She went upstairs to put transparent cloths and attractive
hair attachment to lure the man of God. However if as a sister and you still
parades in makes-ups, artificial hair or attachment, wigs, transparent clothes,
bomber skirt, women trouser or pants or any enticing apparel you are the great
grand-daughter of Jezebel.

READ ALSO: How To Differentiate Between Lust And Love In A Relationship.

The scriptures infer "as she saw Jehu, she positioned herself
to ensnare him"
Jehu looks up and saw the seducer and retorted "today
shall be your end"
and she was thrown down. One thing that is mysterious (am still pondering over it),
when Jezebel was thrown down and her blood sprinkled on the ground; “why did
the earth refuse to suck the blood of Jezebel?

But mysteriously from no-where a dog appears and sucked the
blood of Jezebel which signifies that dog as an exchange and instruments of
immoralities. Any man infested by this Jezebelities virus will becomes possessed
by the spirit of Dog.

This reason why, whenever you dressed in enticing apparel like
Jezebel, you will also behold the covenanted puppy dogs whispering afar,
calling you “hiss-hiss-hiss” I have never beheld anyone been called any-how
except Dog.

Hence you have spiritually become a dog where the men often call
you any-how due to your lost dignity. This is reason why many sisters have
become a “babe”. Biologically babe is a child and this means their mentality
state has been compromised.

They are known and call as “babe’ because it’s sponsored from
the pit of Hell to bring their humanitarian dignity below. Nevertheless if you
have already lost your dignity due to piece of morsel or few minutes pleasures I
encourage you hearken to below instruction and get them activated into your
spiritual life and get your spiritual dignity restored,

How To Restored Your
Lost Dignity In Casual Relationship:

At this moment if you are still entangled with causal
relationship or ever attempts to sells yourself cheap to any scalawag boy or
girl.  You are rather fooling your because
you are priceless and costly.

You ought to guide your dignity because you’re a precious
jewel. It’s unfortunate that most of our modern sisters have lost their senses
due to lack of dignity.

I have these questions for you;

  1. Where do you find diamonds? — Deep down in the ground,
    covered and protected.

  2. Where do you find pearls? — Deep down at the bottom of
    the ocean, covered up and protected in a beautiful shell.

  3. Where do you find gold? — Way down in the mine, covered
    over with layers of rock and to get them, you have to work hard and dig deep
    down to get them.

Therefore as a sister, your body is sacred and unique. You
are far more precious than gold, diamonds and pearls, and you should be covered
too. So if you keep your treasured mineral just like gold,
diamond and pearls, deeply covered up, a reputable mining organization with the
requisite machinery will fly down and conduct years of extensive exploration.

  • First, they will contact your government — Your family and

  • Sign professional contracts — Wedding and legal marriage; and

  • Mine you professionally — Have full legal access to your
    treasure body.

However if you leave your precious minerals unprotected or
uncovered on the surface of the Earth for every Dick and Tom to explored, you
will always attract a lot of illegal miners to come and mine you illegally and
in such situation you will lost your value or dignity in the society.

Everybody will just pick up their crude instruments and have
a dig on you freely. Therefore keep your dignity intact, persevered and ensure
your body is deeply covered so that it would invite professional miners to
chase you. 2 Corinthian 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 

And if you have already lost your dignity, you can still recovered
and restored it back by wholly surrendering your life to Jesus Christ and plead
for his precious sanctifying blood to cleanse you of your ugly mess and
restored back your lost dignity, because whosoever is in Christ is a new creation with
new life, flesh and spirit with a fresh new beginning.

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