How A Christian Can Overcome Discouragement

Emmanuel Adebisi blog
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How A Christian Can Overcome Discouragement

beware and Overcoming Discouragement
Discouragement is an evil and wicked spirit. Its has cause terrible havoc in the lives of many revived Christians; to backslide in giving-up their golden crown and garment of righteousness. Forgetting the ways to the crown lead home, which involves many obstacles, challenges and discouragement. Many are discouraged by the life style of their pastors, and fellow committed brethren. Some had even vow not to ever attend the same church with such person due to ill-character. Many homes are broken due to discouragement, attached with gossips, contention and bitterness.
However, we need to understand that every human heart, eyes and thought can be easily be enticed, deceived,discourage and polluted. Our heart and mind is very fragile and also the basic points of attacked. That is where the battle of life lays. If you really want to make heaven. Please don't joke with discouragement, once your mind is polluted is will definitely caused serious havoc to your spiritual life and faith. High rate of backsliding from faith is increasing and multiplying rapidly among believers due to discouragement.
Actually, i was once a victim, But thank God, because i have learnt my lesson in a very hard way. To always be friendly with my bible and also engaged fervently in spiritual warfare prayer, whose really serve as a source of elevation toward my regeneration and recovering back my faith in Christ. 
Your fellow brethren in the church or ministry, even your pastor's or mentor may be used or possessed by evil force's to discouraged you, due to the iniquities and abominable erupting in this last day. Other may discouraged you but the scripture can never mislead you. Therefore be very prayerful and ask the Lord to strengthen and empower your spiritual faith with means of divine understanding with counseling and humble mind.
Beware Of Discouragement
 "...lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls." Hebrews 12:3. A man was shown vision about the weapons of Satan, and he saw a particular weapon that has been over-used; he asked what was special about the weapon and also its name, and he was told the weapon was discouragement, that when other weapons against Christians fail, discouragement hardly fails.
If you have surrendered your life to Jesus Christ and determined to serve him forever and you are getting involved in the work of God to turn others to righteousness in Jesus, Satan will try to discourage you in order to destroy you. Discouragement is a destructive weapon of Satan that deflates spiritual strength and zeal, and makes a Christian becomes spiritually dry.
When life gets tough and situations turn worst; as you pray, search your life and put faith in action, yet things do not get better. Then you begin to ask why? Why will God allow this to happen to you? Why? Disturbed But Not Discouraged Since Christian life is a narrow way, and even life generally is ups and downs, as a child of God, you can be disturbed but you should not allow discouragement.
When you are disturbed by anything, take it to God in prayer and simply trust Him; it's hard but that is the only means to be happy in Jesus; and not by siting in the dangerous valley of discouragement. Believers in the Bible were disturbed: Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah and others. They were disturbed at one point or the other, but instead of being discouraged, they turned to God with their disturbing hearts.
At a point, John the baptist was seriously disturbed, you know what he did? He didn't depart from Jesus but he turned to Jesus with his disturbing mind. Jesus was disturbed at a point on His way to the Cross, but He poured His disturbing mind to God, and He is now in heaven praying and interceding for us, because He has been through such difficult situations we are going through now.
When you are disturbed, Satan will want you to be discouraged, to stop praying so you can be his prey; to stop reading the Word of God so you can be weak; he will want you to be weary of working for God so that you can wither away. Satan will want to dissuade you from trusting God and living a righteous life so that he can destroy your destiny. When you find it hard to pray, to read Bible, or to do God's work because of situation around, then discouragement is setting in, you should beware. Discouragement is a shadow of spiritual destruction, it leads to weakness, weariness and compromising into sin, since "God doesn't care" so to say, but that is satanic deception.
We should not allow present situations to discourage us from serving and trusting God, no matter how hard, or who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? We should discuss our disturbing situations with God and trust Him that He is working everything for our good at the end, we should not be discouraged into Satan's hands.
As I am typing this article, I'm passing through one of the toughest time in my life, and as God has encouraged me to move on, I find it necessary to encourage you also, in case you find yourself in unpleasant circumstances now or later, don't be discouraged, don't be distracted, don't doubt, don't compromise your faith and righteous living; don't turn from serving God, because it will soon turn to testimony-amen.
Beloved, heaven is far and it will take the few who take it by force without fainting, no matter what, to make it at last. Will you be among the victorious few or among the falling away? James 5:10, 11 "My brethren, take the prophets, who spoke in the name of the Lord, as an example of suffering and patience. Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord—that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful."

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