How To Restore And Secure Your Sexual Dignity

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How To Restore And Secure Your Sexual Dignity

Joseph and Potiphar's Wife in How To Restore And Secure Your Sexual Dignity
Many brethren have lost their spiritual dignity even without their knowledge. Dignity is honor and pride which differentiate man from animal. It's God's glory and many have already traded theirs. Majority of Christians attends night vigil, bible studies and in church they become daughter of Zion and son of God but in school--outside and at home they become daughter and son of high frequency of champion in immoral infatuation and thoughts.
Your mobile phone-GSM (Generating satanic Mission) is always hash-tag with immoral sexual clips, porn and seductive images. You tag yourself as a Born again in Christian but secretly hiding an attires of JEZEBEL in your wardrobe, in order to wore them whenever you backslid from faith. "That is why your condition is like this.  So, unfortunate, frustrated, hopeless, helpless and liquidated but always running to pastors for prayer and you thought you can be delivered in those wickedness.
A Christian who rub-rub and apply makes-up all over her face with palm-cake and now the palm-cake has refuse to stay. Some part of the face is even diminishing due you severally application of demonic chemical makes-up on the body. You are ignorantly defiling your spiritual virginity because you were wonderful made by God.
makes up and face painting of a woman
You paint your mouth like vampire blood sucker. You paint and fixed nails and right now there is no different between you and a native doctor, chimpanzee, monkey and Gorilla. You brought a nice skirt and gown but decides to re-shape it in order to preview your tight inner skeleton body shape/figure, becoming an instrument and device for seduction; Remember JEZEBEL!
Jezebel was a very good painter and a seducer and first of her kind in history. She paints erotic and Italian style and drawing. The bible said, on that day she painted and stood at the upstairs and seeing Jehu coming to the land. Behold she saw the beauty of Jehu and she ponder "Ha, this is a good meat".

1 kings 9;30 And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window.
She went upstairs to put transparent cloths and erotic attachment to seduce the man of God. For those who put-on attachment, paints and wore transparent cloth, you are sister's and aunt of Jezebel.
Revelations 2;20 "Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols"
Those things you see the prostitute and runs girls wearing are borrowed from marine spirit called peacock (Torotoro). The bible said "As she saw Jehu, she position herself to seduce him" Jehu looking up and saw the seducer and said "Today shall be your end" and order her to be thrown down.
One thing that is mysterious in which am still re-searching is when Jezebel was thrown down and her blood sprinkled on the ground; why did earth refuse to suck her blood? Hence, from no-where dog appear to suck the blood of Jezebel!
1 kings 9;36 "Wherefore they came again, and told him. And he said, This is the word of the LORD, which he spake by his servant Elijah the Tishbite, saying, In the portion of Jezreel shall dogs eat the flesh of Jezebel"
Its symbolize blood as an exchange of prostitutionality. Dog is an instrument of fornication and immoralities. Any man or woman putting-on the styles of Jezebel are been possessed by SPIRIT OF DOG. That is why when you see them putting on seductive cloths, you will also behold a dog like them calling and whispering--  HISS-HISS-HEY BABY.
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Howbeit, since the commencements of my missionary journey I have only behold DOG been called any-how. That is same ways those boy's used to called you and your doggy head will began to swell-up like balloon.
a man calling a woman hey baby
That is reason why old women and men has becomes baby. Biologically, baby is a child, which means your sense is not complete. Imagine, someone calling me "BABY" (I will get you arrest). What a nonsensical-nonsense!
Moreover, they called you a baby because it's sponsored from the pit of hell to bring your humanitarian dignity below.  The dignity of a man is what makes a woman of dignity. Originally, man lost his dignity and man restored it back but woman lost hers and she didn't recover it.
In early days, when a woman is married, "What is the first GIFT given to her on her wedding night? The purpose of that WHITE CLOTH is to dignify the dignity of that woman. Any woman that didn't come out with a CLOTH STAINED is out-cast in the land.
dis-virgin blood in bed sheet stain with blood
But Jezebel said "NO, let's communize and re-paint sin"either you re-paint sin or not--- SIN IS A SIN and he or she that refuse to repent shall perished with her" When Jesus was coming into the world, he came through a woman of dignity.
If he had comes through a woman who has lost her dignity; he wouldn't had becomes the PURCHASER OF DIGNITY. You lost your dignity through Blood and also need to be restored it through blood. In order to restore your dignity you need the Blood of Jesus Christ whose blood is greater than the blood of man.
If you still kept boy and girl friends, you are in great danger and making a terrible mistake. But if you want to become the Esther of your generation you ought to decide now. Esther won a beauty pageant been a virgin and Joseph enters the throne been a virgin. So, what kind of person do you want to become?
But some had sworn not to hearken. They are those who call their father "Palee", you are a brother to Absalom but if you want become a chosen and Joseph of your family you ought to repent now.
queen Esther in palace
Joseph's doesn't die; their stars are not destroyed because they never stained their Blood. Their blood has an everlasting covenant and sealed by the Word as it was written and the scripture cannot be broken "Touch not mine anointed and do my prophet no harm" 
Psalm 105;15 "Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm. And whenever they call their name for evil, God will sent his sword to defend them because their sexual dignity is secured.

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