The Demonic Mission Of The Queen Of The Coast Against The Church -- Part 2

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The Demonic Mission Of The Queen Of The Coast Against The Church -- Part 2

The Demonic Mission Of The Queen Of The Coast Against The Church--Part 2
The following vision account of the demonic mission of the Queen Of The Coast  was unveiled and composed from the vision given to Sister Rachael Mushala Chisulo, Sister Zipporah Mushala , Brother Emmanuel Samsonjude ,  Rev. Emmanuel Amos Eni, Brother Richard of Ghana Divine revelations and Pastor Dr D.K. Olukoya.

The Queen Of The Coast Mission Through Music.
You human agent, I am sending you to be a great musicians in the world. I am sending you out in 3 groups, the first groups of you are to go and sing worldly music. Whenever you sing your voice will become as sweet as honey in the ears of those who listen to you.
The fool who sings along with you will be doomed. I’m sending you all over the world and your music will hit the earth and your voices will be heard all over the places, anyone who sings your songs will be doomed, their names will be written in these books.
You have to dedicate all your albums to lord Lucifer the prince of darkness, just as Moses songs stand as a witness against the people of Israel, these songs too will stand against whosoever that sang it along with you. Their soul will be mine foreveeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr; hahahahahahahahahahaha.
I have captured 6.5 billion souls trough music and I will still get more. I got half of Nigerian youth trough Doro and African Queen. The fools think he’s referring to his girlfriend. I am the African Queen, hahahahahahahahahah and I sit a queen; ahahhaahahahahahahahah.
I have captured half of the world through African queen hahahahahahahahaha. I have captured them through Makossa. I have captured them through Celine Dion and Michael Jackson Thriller. I have their names in my book and I will use it against them as evidence they have a covenant with me. I have use Rihanna to draw the world under my umbrella. I will get more, hahahahahahahahahaaa.
Ensure you put more pressure in musical mission and I will reward you with Grammy awards and Mtv Award, Justin Timberlake, Fifth Harmony , Drake, Kanye west, Beyoncé, Katty Perry, D-Banj, Don Jazy, Sia, Meghan Trainor , Davido, Madonna, Dr. Dre, I'm asking you to put more effort, win more soul for me, and I will reward you with Grammy.
worldly music and dance in life of christian
I am sending out some of you to become a gospel musicians, your songs will be evil and demonize but will looks like a gospel song, and your voice will be known and heard all over the world. The fools are blind and they will not be able to discern that it’s not a gospel song, just as they were being fooled with my album (You make me high) your songs will be sing in Christians homes and churches. I will step into places where these songs is played and shall become mine, for it is written, anywhere I step my foot upon shall be mine; hahahahahahahahaha, 
I have sent thousands of Christians musicians to African countries, most especially, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Congo, Ghana, Nigeria, etc. I forbid you from mentioning the name of the righteous man in your songs. I forbid you from quoting bible in your songs. I forbid you from calling any holy names in your album--if you do that I will destroy you. I forbid you from singing about salvation or repentance. It must only be praises to lord Lucifer.
Introduce different demonic beats in your album. Those of you sent to Nigeria, replace the name of that righteous man to Igwe, change his name to Baba, change his name to Dansaki, change his name to helper, use any name to deceived, but I forbid you from mentioning that righteous name in your album because the little yeast defileth the whole dough.
Any homes where these songs are played will be mine, any church the songs is played will be ours, for wheresoever’s the carcasses is---there will the eagles be gathered together. Anyone who sings these songs name will be registered in our book, hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa.
I have sent countless demons into the world already to become music producers. You are to promote satanic music and ensure they win Grammy award, but I am sending you out to target those who had a genuine talent to sing divine song, target those who had the talent to sing for the expansion of the kingdom of God, discourage them, by adding little worldliness and worldly beat into their song.
Let them sign an agreement with you---to help them recomposed their song. Then re-twist their song lyrics from the original lyrics inspired to them by God, deceive them and lead them astray until they are finally shift out of the way. Tell them they won’t make sales if they didn’t sing it in a worldly way---they will be forced to yield to our voice.
The fools will forget the plan their God has for them is a good plans to give them an expected end. Ensure you change their music and keep them out of the way, until they start singing like ours. Once that is achieved, the Holy Spirit will depart from them and we will destroy their glories. No one will hear them again for they fail to wait for their God’s time. We are to eradicate genuine gospel musicians out of the market, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa
The Queen Of The Coast Mission Through Medicine.
I am sending some of you to become Nurse and Doctor to work in every hospital in the whole wide world. You are to send more souls to the deep sea through operation and you are to initiate patient through drugs and injections. 
I am sending out ships loaded with possessed syringe, cotton wool, operating materials and latest medical technologies machines. These items only need to get contact with their blood, they will be possessed with evil spirit and immediately, they will lose their salvation. You must show no mercy to anyone.
demonic syringes and medicine
I have deposited 30 millions poisonous mosquitoes into the earth to bite and released diseases of different kinds into people’s bodies. Also there are thousands of demons hanging in the air to pollute the air with all kind of sicknesses and diseases. Some demons has being sent to companies and offices, to work as cleaners, to wash their toilet and invoke spells on their Water systems, whenever anyone uses the Toilet not praying, he/she will be contacted with all kind of diseases.
There are countless diseased we must released into the world, so they will need our drugs to heal themselves. So I’m also sending out 20 millions drugs of all kinds with different evil purpose, manufactured from thousands legions of demons.
You know demons don’t sick or get tired and when they use these drugs they will be very active. The drugs will cure them immediately but it will destroy their souls because they will look like us in presence of God, just as we did to them in time of Noah; hahahahahahahahahahah.
1 peter 2; 24 “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed” The fools has so much depends on our drugs for their healing rather than trusting in the power of that righteous man whose his stripe healed their sicknesses. Anyone who uses any of our drugs for their healing will be doomed, his/her name must be written in our book, and they will enter into a terrible covenant with us.
I have also released 40 drums of my saliva for the manufactures of chemical that will be used to produced more drugs, also several drums of ascorbic acid has being deposited into the world for drugs and foods manufacturing. We can see that human no longer depends on the power of prayers but the power of drugs for healing.
The early apostles only lay hands on the sick and were healed, but this foolish lazy Christians can’t do that, even those who called themselves men of God trust in our drugs rather than the power of God. They don’t know the kind of power they have, so we need to use this as our own advantage, once they use our drugs, the things of the Lord will be far from their heart.
With these demonic syringe loaded in the ships, contaminate people blood with this syringe while doing blood test, and recommend some of these drugs in the ship for them for healthy livings. The fools only depend on power of drugs, and forsaken the power of that righteous man for healings. Ensure you hijack people soul and send them into the deep sea while doing operation. They will become my slave here in the deep sea; hahahahahahahahahahaha.
The demons sent to hospitals are to contaminate every blood in the blood bank with disease and unclean spirit. These demons are to suck part of the blood and release their saliva and evil spirit into every blood in the blood bank, it will only take the power of that righteous man to set anyone who uses any of our drugs or contaminated blood, free from our captives.
I am also sending out countless pregnancy care drugs for women, each time they used it, they will be weak in the spirit. The fools think the pregnancy is the one weaken them, they will be weak whenever they used the drugs. The fools fail to understand the power of prayer. When they use our drugs they will be weak to attend church service, they will be weak to read their bible or to pray.
They will be weak both in the spirit and in physical until they become dead spiritually. Whenever you come across prayer less pregnant woman, hi-jack the baby in her womb and replace the baby with a demon. Every family on the earth must have at least two of my agent living in their family, which will make it easier to know every activities going on in every homes, hahahahahahahahahahahaha 
The Queen Of The Coast Mission against The Church.
Enter genuine churches and disguised like born-again Christian and target those who are single and standing and cause them to marry you. Once that occurred, destroy their vision, destroy their testimonies---Destroy their evangelical assignments---Turn their heart against God, and lastly, destroy them with immediate effect. Let him have the pains by getting married to you--they have made a terrible mistake.
women in seductive dressing in the church
I’m sending some of you to set up theology schools, and begin to teach them our doctrine. Anyone who passes through our theology school will have our seeds in them, on their graduation day--anoint them and demonize them.
I am giving you license to start manufacturing plastic chairs. I realize churches now prefer plastic chairs than wood. Every demons and agent in every church must cast spells on every chairs in the church, anyone who sit on it will be weak in the spirit and will never have any interest in the message preached and they will slept off in the church. But these spells will not work on those crazy Christians who prayed a lot.
We must cause that righteous man to abandoned the church just as he did unto Shiloh and Solomon temple, his house will be filled with our abomination and I will come and take it over; hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Also bread and wine for the Lord’s Supper, and more anointing oil has being loaded into the ship. These are meant for initiation. Also many of the fans loaded into the ships are to blow away their light and keep them empty. You must work as an usher, initiate people through foods eaten in the church convention but only the prayerful Christians will escape the spell.
The Queen Of The Coast Mission Through Food.
We must turn people into flesh eating vampires. We must cause them to be guilty of blood shedding and of eating abomination. So I am sending some of you demons into the earth to start setting up eatery, and fast food canteens. I will be supplying you human flesh from time to time for the preparation of your snacks, meat pie, pizza and other foods.
Also the numbers of aborted babies supplied into the deep sea on daily bases has seriously increased, some of these babies have been transformed into frozen Turkeys and chicken, every human on the earth must be polluted. The blood of the unborn babies will be required from them. The food will turn their heart against anything call holiness. They will be stuck in sins, even with sins they will never believe they could commit, and the whole atmosphere will be polluted with what that righteous man hated.
I am also sending some of you demons out to start manufacturing juice and other drinks including table water. I will be sending you different demonic flavors from time to time for the production of your juice, begin to manufacture pineapple juice, Apple juice, orange juice, banana juice, strawberry, yoghurt, ice cream of different flavor, etc.
The Queen Of The Coast Mission Against Children.
I’m sending out some of you as a midwife and nurses to get me children placenta and the blood during their delivery, place your mark on every baby, through your hands. I have designed some ready-made children cloths for babies, children school bags, canvas and shoes, and I’ve also give some of you license to start manufacturing babies pampers, babies foods, noodles, cookies, biscuits and chocolates.
Also I have received 30,000 different cartoons movies and video games from the prince of the underworld kingdom, Margie, Rose, Eva and Magaroo has brought the list of the cartoons that should be released for this year. We have successfully produced 30,000 of cartoons filled up with different kind of spells, magic and demonic animation characters and incantation for children to be possessed just as we did trough Ben10, demon university, SpongeBob, Shrek, Rango, little mermaid, beauty and the beast, the lion king and others.
There must be no way for future evangelism; every child must be polluted right from their childhood so that no child will grow up loving God or his Christ. Inflate the spirit of disobedient into the life of the children, the spirit of pride, immorality, anger, fears, lies, laziness, murders and stealing. They must grow up with our spirit in them. Now thousands of cartoons have being loaded again into these ships, Zootropolis, pete’s dragon.
The mermaid, Konfu panda, Batman vs Superman, Ice Age, the Little prince, Eva’s possession, Beauty and the beast, little mermaid, The jungle book, The good dinosaur, Life of pet, hotel Transylvania, norm of north, Strange magic and many more, cartoon Network, Disney, Nickelodeon and other kids channel must view them.
polluted food eating by children in the school
I am sending some of you out to set up schools and colleges. Your schools will be the best in the society, and every school, you are to cast spells on the water the children drink in the schools. The foods shared in the schools must be possessed. The uniform sold in the schools must be possessed.
There should never be a way for any children to escape our traps. Every student in the boarding school belongs to us, all children in the world even babies must be possessed, by the time they get to the university, they would have become expert doing our biddings; hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa.
I am also sending out some of you to becomes Nanny, Day care, and house maid, initiate every children in your custody with the spirit of witchcraft, feed them with raw human flesh and blood until they are fully possessed. I am sending some of you to churches around the world, to become children leaders, initiate children in the church with biscuit and sweet, shared in the church.
Those fools who called themselves pastor who are blind, and too busy to pray, when the birds placed in the children grows stronger, the children in his church will be the one to destroy all what he has labored for; hahahahahahahahahaaha.
The Queen Of The Coast Mission Through Internet.
You are to filled up the internet and Facebook, Most especially those who now preached on Facebook,, target them and send them a lot of friend request to fill up their space for friend so as to hinder the other people who could have being saved if they are their friend, since they lack discerning spirit, they will think they are preaching to human, they won’t know they are preaching to demons, hahahahahahahahahaha.
Send them messages that will provoke them. Perhaps they will get angry, once that happened their message will be very easy to antagonize. Send them message that looks innocent but destructive, you are to send messages that contains series of spells to make the weak Christians disbelieve the truth. You must also preached about that righteous man but in an opposite way that will lead some astray, use a title like pastor or evangelist as your profile name to deceive them.
You can also use the picture of that righteous man cross as a profile as disguised, so that those fools will believe you are a child of God. Anyone that has genuine word of God, target them and rubbish their post and cause other to follow your believe. 
Also I am sending out some of you as expert, you are to pop out naked pictures on every pages anyone opened, even if it’s a Christian page. Make a picture of irresistible naked ladies appear on their page, asking them to click, to meet beautiful ladies.
The image will carries some seducing spells and if any man looks at it twice, he will be charmed, once he clicked it, he will be doomed, and his name will be written in my book, and we will cage his soul right here in the deep sea; hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaa. I am a queen, I sit a queen, I’m not a widow and I can never see any sorrow hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa.
How To Overcome The Mission Of The Queen Of The Coast.
1 Peter 5;8 "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour"  You ought to be serious with your salvation and guide it with fear and trembling because heavenly race is an individual race. You must not allow the affairs of this life to entangle and stains your glorious garment of righteousness, holiness and truthfulness. 
However, whenever you backslide and dominate with secret sins; you can't stand and fellowship joyfully in the presence of God. When you become enslaved with secret sins of masturbation, fornication, abortion, adultery, homosexual, stealing, sexual lust, Pornography and erotic images; you wouldn't like to listen to an edifying words of pure holiness.
Your joy of salvation will be wreck and shattered into pieces. Your heart will be broken, void and sadden. You will be ashamed to fellowship in unity of faith with your brethren due to guilt, self torment and limitation. Hence, the only way out of this miserable self torments of backslide is REPENTANCE and CONFESSION. Declared unto yourself; "You pathetic PRIDE and SHAME in me, i divorce and reject you from my life in Jesus name.
 Afterward, just walk over to your pastor office in victory of boldness, confidence and confess unto him. Cheerfully accept and endure whatsoever punishment he might unleashed upon you.  Afterward your soul and joy of salvation shall be revived and restored because none is above backslide.
How To Grow Spiritually In Christ.
1. The first thing you needed in order to grow spiritually is increasing the length of your prayer life because a prayerless christian is a powerless christian; when you become powerless
you become a football at the hand of the devil.
2. Ensure you always attend your church weekly activities because faith cometh by hearing and continuous hearing of the world of God. Romans 10;17 "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God"
3. You need to cut off from every form of worldly friendships and break off from any girl friendship relationship because evil character corrupt godly motives.
4. You must also get baptised by immersion in water; ensure it is conducted in flowing river; 
your baptism represent or identified you as been dead in Christ and resurrected as a new creation.
Water immersion baptism also helps in breaking foundational curse and evil yokes of your father's house that might hinder the exploit of your ministry life.
5. Ensure your heart is sanctified and purified with power of the holy ghost; in order to retain an Holy Ghost baptism; A process where the holy spirit will filled your inner man.
6. Continue to seek after perfection and also make sure you join a department or work force in your church. 
A means where you exploit your God given ministry. Please also engage in evangelism or spreading of the goodness of the kingdom of God because we are all called to evangelize the gospel according to Mark 16:15 "And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature'

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