The Danger Of Backsliding In Life Of Christian--The Enemy Has Done This

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The Danger Of Backsliding In Life Of Christian--The Enemy Has Done This

 The Danger Of Backsliding In Life Of Christian--a gay brother
Backsliding is an act of withdrawing back from Christ fellowship and returning back to those things you once rejected, abhor and preached against and therefore yielding into sinfulness while journeying into Egypt---a land of ungodliness and wickedness. Backsliding is one of the unfortunate scenario radiating in life of many Christians because they thought that serving God is only perfected by faith while under Grace without any personal input, sacrifice or work. 
James 2;14 "What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?  My beloved, have this in mind---Once safe by grace isn't for ever saved. There is tendency of backsliding because the devil has not lost hope on you, he still believes you can backslide someday.Romans 6;1-2 "What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?
Many Christians are careless and free minded of their salvation without guiding and securing their spiritual virginity with daily prayers and watchfulness. Hence, many of them that commenced gloriously in this eternity race are presently waxing shamefully in backsliding due to prayerlessness and consistent glamour for worldly desires and dishonest gains.
Restitution--A Confession Of A Brother In The Church. 
Days ago; i behold a heart pricking moment of a beloved brother; who’s restitution shock the bricks of the church and causeth uproar among the brethren while he stood before the whole congregation in tearful sorrow and regrets, confessing his sinful secrets ordeal.
the tearful scene of a brother
As i beheld his unveiling secret sins, the fulfillment of the prophecy which foretold about the uncovering hidden sin of every men was echoing in my ear. Luke 8;17 "For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad"  Though; in time past our brother was very zealous in kingdom service. He was a renowned and dedicated worker in the church and very fervent in sharing of the gospel both in morning cry, bus evangelism and radical outreach.
But suddenly, the enemy strike with huge tragedies and set-back. The spirit of discouragement, offence, murmuring, gossiping, prides and envy set-in and grounded the mighty zeal of our beloved brother. These demonic darts enacted his backsliding and gradually he began to absent from church weekly activities, night vigil and Sunday service.
Due to this up rise; the spiritual tap root connection and resources that use to flourish his zeal and uphold his faith become weaken and infected. Afterward, the spirit of  lust gripped and tore his heart apart which later propelled into pornography, severe masturbation, caressing and romancing of his young female siblings and later graduated into incest [sleeping with them].
sinful gay brother
Every day; he kept sinking deep into iniquities and worldliness, alcoholism, smoking, fornication, patronizing harlot in hotels and parading in naked worldly apparel. However; through severe interceding prayers of the church he was restored back to faith and there he stood shedding a remorseful tears of regret. 
Christianity isn't a bed of rose and neither surrounds by green pasture of pleasures. In fact, another word for Christianity is SUFFERING. You're to labor and serve God beyond your personal human convenience until you are perfected. 
Ephesians 6;12-13 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand"
We are wrestling against the great dragon-The devil, The adversaries of old, very crafty, patient, alert, copy-cat, wicked, wise and terribly smart in re-enforcement and counter-attack. He was once set-above and higher in rank than few other archangels in heaven before the great fallen. But his cunning wicked power still remaineth.
Satan is an enemy of man and he is behind every disunity and seed of discord germinating in our churches. He is ever ready to exploit and take advantage of any slight loophole or mistake in your Christian life. He is not afraid of your liquid and holy ghost anointing and evangelical zeal. He still believes you can fall from that mountain top of holiness and righteousness. He has already tempted his creator [Jesus Christ] and isn't afraid of tempting you.
Unfortunately; he isn't wrestling or withholding the prosperity and well-being of the Islamic nations, sinners or unbelievers, unto him they are like Christmas chicken waiting to be slaughter. He is rather competing against the CHILDREN OF THE LIGHT; the horn of salvation; the holy bride and priesthood of the church.
Ephesians 6;12-13 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand"
Howbeit; many children of the light has deviated from the first principle law [The standard lineage of true salvation] been instituted by Christ. Hence; their mindset and hope of glory has been dethrone and now obsessed by marriage, money, lusting after women/men, worldly dressing and immoralities.
You can preach the gospel, perform miracles, speak in tongue and still parade in Jewelries, pride and lying tongue; doesn't mean you are in good tune with God. The tragedy that will struck many Christian is that "Many shall be used by God and later becomes an abandon properties in the church"
You have heard that an inward sinful thought of the heart is much more dreaded than outward sinful appearance. Pride is the most secret sin in the heart of men which shall drag many Christian to Hell. Please, before you ever thought of wearing that new cloth or shoe to church service or drove that new car to your village--what was your first motive? To show off, i guess..!
There is sound warning alarm echoing and lamenting about the great scarcity of women in Heaven due to persistence degree of fashionistas and beauty glamour within the women folks. Below is an encounter behold by Evangelist Sister Funmilayo; during her years in kingdom of darkness.
During my exploit in the kingdom of darkness, one of the day in went to hell to check a record. I can easily goes to hell and it can't hurt due to the certain powers which Satan has deposited in me. Suddenly, i heard a great sound of joy. I ask the demons what was happening?
They told me that eeeh, hisss, it’s from the palace of the Great God Almighty. They said, there is a visitor [a believer about to enter heaven]. Whenever they had visitor that is how they rejoice. That is was the source of the sound. Hence, i was perplexed because i don’t believe that people are still making heaven. How is that possible?
Despite the whole trap we had set on this world. We didn’t believed that people can still make heaven because everything on earth had been polluted. We believe isn’t easy for anybody to make heaven. I was bothered but decided to wait in order to behold the personality and how the person would enter through the gate of heaven.
As we are there waiting, truly that person start getting closer and closer. When it got to the gate, we discover it was ordinary woman, eeeh, because it easy for man to make heaven than woman. Women are very scarce in Heaven.
I remember when Jesus Christ took me to Heaven. When he took me to the banquet hall, I discover that Men are more than Women. While in the Church on earth, women are much but in Heaven woman are very scarce, because of what Satan has program for them. I will talk about that later. What make women not to make heaven? I will talk about that.
So in this case, we start watching this woman as she got to the gate. The angel of God welcome her. Suddenly i saw the angel brought out her crown, very glorious crown, Filled with stars all over, no space on her crown, shining with more than 500 hundred stars. I inquired, what is this? Why is this crown so glorious like this? The demons told me that, she is a woman of God---a wife of a pastor, and she is a preacher.
They said, the crown is the crown of a soul winner. They said, there is no crown for a bishop or pastor here. Any tilted we give to ourselves on earth has no reward hereit’s only the work we exhibit while on earth can only be rewarded in heaven. They said this is the crown for a soul winner. They said that stars i saw on the crown is the number of souls which the woman won to heaven.
Haaa, it was deeply touched in hateful manner but to my uttermost surprise as they were welcoming this woman, through the welcoming processing. They brought out her garment, gown, and a very glorious garment. Yet they refuse open the gate of heaven for her. They brought out her throne, very glorious also. Moreover, the estate built for this woman was magnificent. It was shown on the screen with thousands of angels assign to be serving her in her kingdom in heaven.
All this things were brought out but they refused to open the gate for her. Suddenly, she started exhaling some thoughts in her mind-- you know in that place you don’t need to talk. Any thought you have in your mind will appear on the screen. You cannot have bad thought in that place. So as this woman was thinking in her mind--" Oooh, let this gate open for me (experiencing worrisome and anticipated to proceed ahead).
Lo and behold; as she look back she saw a giant demon behind her and she was afraid of those demons. She was in haste to enter through the gate to heaven. The angel of God told her;  WOMAN YOU CANNOT ENTER INTO THIS PLACE, BECAUSE THE BIBLE SAYS NO INIQUITY SHALL ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD.
The woman retorted, what? What do you mean? Because, she was so sure of her life. She believes she live a Holy life. But truly she lived a Holy life because in her garment there were no spot or wrinkle--everything was clean. But the angel says she cannot enter. This woman started arguing, NO, I must enter. Jesus even appears to me before I die, am holy and that, but in the process or her arguments. The international demons now interrupt. They say WOMAN YOU CANNOT ENTER, ACCORDING TO THE BOOK OF "EZEKIEL CHAPTER 7:21".
Ezekiel 7:19-21 “They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed. Their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowel, because it is the stumbling block of their iniquity. 
20, As for the beauty of his ornament, he set in majesty: but they made the images of their abominations and of their detestable thing therein: therefore I have set it far from them. 21 And I will give it into the hands of the strangers for a prey, and to the wicked of the earth for a spoil; and they pollute it.
This is the quotation they recited to her. Though, you may not understand but as they recite this the quotation to the woman. Immediately, this woman remembers they were emphasizing about jewelries. When she touch her ear, she has a little ear-ring. But this she believe that if you dresses moderate isn’t a sin, that is what she believed according to, 
1 Peter 3:3 "Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel"
But they told her that jewelries can’t make heaven. Hence, while she was pleading for mercy, “am sorry, I don’t know” Immediately a strange whirlwind force came from no-where, turn her face from the Gate of Heaven and faced her toward Hell. A strange wind took this woman and rolled her seriously as she speedily ran to hell. ---Curled from "990 years in kingdom Of darkness"  By Evangelist Sister Funmilayo.
In various churches today, women always out-number men in every church activity, yet very scarce in heaven because women are easily drives by beauty clamors, fashionistas. They are emotional being with flexible stubborn hole-heart with uncontrollable sharp tongue for gossip.
Hence, most of them find it so difficult to for-goes makes-up and painting, women trousers or pant, bumper skirt, hair perming, attachment, jewelries, neck lace, ear-ring and nail fixing. These wicked marine attires has ignited great havoc against their marital breakthrough because it always attract spiritual husband. If eventually married, barrenness and sorrow will set-in.
Some sisters always dress gorgeously in godly modesty; but still hid some of these Jezebel marine attires in their wardrobe and aiming to wore them whenever they backslide. It's better you repent, burnt and set them ablaze and return back to godly way of serving God, rather than lengthen your iniquities and given an enemy the edge to control your ministry and destruction of your soul in eternal damnation of hell.

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