The Danger Of Gossiping In Life Of Christian Women

Emmanuel Adebisi blog
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The Danger Of Gossiping In Life Of Christian Women

the danger of gossip in life of christian women
Gossiping is one of the destructive tools the enemies used in the church to destroyed and tore the Holy sanctuary of the Lord. Gossiping is an act of speaking evil or attesting against your fellow brethren behind his/her back or absent, which can literally be known as backbiting. Gossiping amount for great danger because it’s destructive and it has sent many brethren to Hell.
Today, many churches and homes are in despair due to this ungodly and obvious sinfulness secret life erupting in the life of many Christian sisters. Moreover, though there are some brothers who often gossip but if you behold any brother who often find it pleasurable to gossip and slander his fellow brethren; desperately he need to under goes spiritual deliverance because God created man with a spiritual self control of their tongue unlike women.
gossiping men
Marriage is a covenant union ordained and honored by God and he purposely placed a woman inside the marriage in order to meet the needs of the man and likewise the man to meet the needs of the women. Hence, there is a missing element in which both ought to behold and benefit from other. A man is placed in a marriage in order to make crucial decision after listening to his wife.
There are some certain basic needs in a man's life they he can't meet by himself. And there are some certain basic needs in woman's life that she can't meet by herself. When you read, you will know and understand the difference between male and female gender differences. The reason why male behaves the way they behave and reason why female behaves the way they behave.
Some married couples who has gone for counseling and when they began to narrate their problem. You will discover that the thing the man was complaining about the woman was actually the reason why God put her there in the marriage. For instant; the man complain that the woman talk too-much; that is why you are there to listen to her. 
Likewise the woman complaining that the man is always looking for attention; that is why you are there. WOMEN ARE CREATED WITH VERBAL POWER; THERE POWER IS INSIDE THEIR MOUTH. THEY CAN TALK FOR 24 HOURS and if they behold no reasonable issue to talk about, they will rather formulate something to gossip, not minding the danger involve in gossiping.
Though, isn’t an offence or sinful to talk; it is a virtue. God created them like that and if you are privileged to have little children, a boy and a girl. While they are very small; you will notice that the girl mouth is sharper than that of the boy. When they grow-up it doesn't leave them, the thing is still with them.
children gossiping
You know; when you are talking and no one is listening, you become frustrated. So, because the woman must talk and someone must listen to her, God created the man and put the man inside the marriage, so whenever the woman is talking the man can listen.
Unfortunately, this verbal power of women has destroyed many marriages and shattered the faith of many brethren in the church due to gossiping---broadcasting the negative and ugly sides of their brethren instead of unveiling and testifying of their positive sides to the glory of God. 
Some time ago, while in the church the pastor was preaching about God's mercy, compassion and reason for an urgent confession or restitution of secret sins; because God can't show-fort his mercy without repentance of sin. I was lost in thoughts and self-examination of my past and present secret christian lifestyle. While scanning for an iota of an un-restituted sin, i behold a brother at my front shaking his head in deep sorrow and regret.
He quietly bends down his head crying unto God for mercy. He was soberly torn apart by the salvation message. Even when the whole congregation were ask to stood up and raised their hands for altar call, confession and total submission to God; the brother kindly knee down in tears while pleading for God's mercy.
Howbeit; i was perplexed in spirit and greatly shocked at the conviction of such soul. It reminded me of my experience many years ago during my conviction. How i shed terribly tears in the church after a very powerful sermon which later prompt me to approach the pastor for confession and counseling.
The conviction of that brother prompts me to decipher that genuine repentance of heart floweth within; it's not compel or forced. It's supervised under the grace of God and propel by the Holy Ghost. But here is my question; HOW MANY OF OUR BELOVED SISTER IN THE CHURCH ALWAYS GET CONVICTED BY THE HOLY GHOST to confess, renounced and abhor their sinful gossiping lifestyle?
Most of them only knew how to scream in loud voice under Holy Ghost ministration without any godly justification. After church service; if you behold the same sister that screamed under Holy Ghost conviction, gossiping about other brethren while struggling her way out of the church. Honestly; it often baffled me because they didn’t understand the danger of gossiping.
In every churches service, women always pull great numbers in attendant. Almost all various departments and groups in the church are dominated by women, yet when you look vividly into most of their secret lifestyle you will certainly discovered the cancerous worm of GOSSIP---The great and mighty weapon of satanic tool of destruction suffocating within their lives.
Sometimes ago; i asked a sister about the cause and reason why many women always glory in gossiping. She smile and said; my brother that is how God created us, you just need to endure and tolerate us. Then i reply; my sister you ought to confess unto God and repent from such devilish act of gossiping if you are already a victim because the danger involved in gossiping is disastrous.
Many sisters often act ignorantly while gossiping not knowing that gossip is a killer disease which can easily destroy and cast their soul to hell for eternity. Any women that taketh pleasure in gossip must remember that the wicked shall not go unpunished because they shall be judge according to their works. Proverbs 11;21 "Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered"
Did you receive the ministry of gossip from the hand of the devil because that is what he gives? What exactly are you doing in the church? To gossip about others or to receive favor from the person you carry your gossip to?
Years ago; a sister told me that the new appointed pastor in her church wasn't vibrant as the previous pastor. I retorted; Haaa, sister from your mouth! Do you know how many brethren that has left the church due to your gossip? Your hands are stained with their blood and you shall be rewarded eternally in hell if you refuse to repent today.
What shall it profit you to slander someone through your gossip? Some women in the church today are very good in painting other brethren black for no reason. Mark 8;36-37 "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
trap in tongue of gossip
What is the benefit of backbiting or gossiping against others? Have you considered the soul of that person you are gossiping about? Some sisters use to sing slandering songs either in their homes, offices, place of business and even in the church against their neighbor due to envy and hatred.
The great judgment day of the Lord is at hand and you shall give account of every idle words and gossip you toss about; both at home and even in the church. Matthew 12;36 "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment"
What shall it profit you to lose your eternity in Hell due to gossip? It will be terrible if you shall be remembered for gossiping and slandering your brethren. You may think that your brethren didn't know you are radio without battery--No; they knew your work in the church even as the Lord knoweth and your reward awaits you in eternity if you refuse to amend your way today.
1 Peter 4;17 "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?"
It's written; the judgment of God shall commence in the house of God. The devil knows that it might not be easy for you to commit fornication or adultery in the house of God. Hence, he always sent a trap of deceit in the church to lured women into little foxes that spoileth the whole lump such as gossip and backbiting.
Whosoever that is found guilty of such little sin shall be cast into furnace of hell for eternity. Mark 9;43-44 “And if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than having two hands to go into hell, into the fire that never shall be quenched: Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched"
Nevertheless; she will also suffer the effect here on earth, including her entire household because it's written "SAY UNTO THE WICKED; IT SHALL NOT BE WELL WITH THEE. Ecclesiastes 8;13 "But it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days, which are as a shadow; because he feareth not before God"
If you are into this satanic influence of speaking perverse or gossiping against your brethren, backbiting and slandering them---You ought to repent today and seek for the divine mercy and forgiveness of God or else be ready to face the great wrath of God here on Earth and Eternity in Hell.

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